
7 Years Later..

Last post I took a look back at what I learned as an intern 7 years ago.

 This week: Things I'm currently learning from the leaders I get to work beside everyday.

Although the list is long, I will keep it brief:

From PB (the boss)

1. Constantly push your staff to new heights, and take them places they never thought they can go. 
2. Just because you are the boss, doesn't mean you get to work less.  
(He is the hardest working, and most driven man I know)
3. Laugh at yourself
4. Work well with your team. (Even though he has the authority to make every decision, he is always asking input from our team)
5. Think Big- always look forward to what is next ahead!
(he is constantly thinking 3-5 years down the line, Rome wasn't built in one day)
6. Learn to separate and set healthy boundaries
 (everyone always wants something from him)
7. Push your leaders to be better leaders

1. Lead well from the second chair
(the man is a great leader, everyone comes to Steve w/all of our junk looking for advice)
2. Learn to rest
3. Persevere in the hard times
4. Invest in mentorship
5. Love people
6. It's ok not have to have all the answers right now.

From Beth:
1. Woman can be great leaders!
2. Delegate well
3. Know your strengths and weaknesses 

Things I'm learning about myself over of the past year:

1. I'm to cynical and judgmental
2. I can't say no
3. It's hard for me to relax and take a day off
4. I hate being called a techie...


Things I Learned As A 19 Year Old Punk Intern

As I was sitting at the table with the two smartest men I know today. The topic of interns came up. As we sat there and talked about it, I finally realized how much I learned as an Intern. Here's the list:

 From CCBC and It's Leadership Staff:  
1. Quit being a punk. 
2. Learn to respect authority. 
(Sorry John Mark, I was a PUNK!)
3. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you've got to share it all the time

From Brian:  I could go on and on here, but heres the short list from him:
3. I was a messy roommate!  (Sorry Brian)  
4. Your title and your paycheck don't reflect your importance to a ministry. 
**we could have never made it without him
5. Learn to give yourself away.  
**He bought me more bagels for breakfast than I could ever repay him for.
6. Be yourself, never change who you are just to please others.
7. Loyalty

From Randy:
8. Learn To Take Chances On People
*He took a huge one on me!
9. Invest In Peoples Lives
*It was because of his leadership as a Student Pastor that I'm in ministry today
10.  Be versatile.  
*Don't be good at just one thing! Invest and learn other avenues in ministry
 He would often give me assignments to do that Brian was much better at and could have done in half the time.  He did that to stretch me!!
11. Learn to Delegate:
* I have to admit, I'm still working on this one!!

From Jeremy:
12. Ministry is not just 8 to 5.  Get your butt to work!
*During my first week on the job, I was a little tardy everyday :)  Jeremy sent me a not so nice email explaining to me the importance of what we do, and that I needed to quit being lazy!  I thought that's what working for a church was all about.  I still know many people who think that ministry is 8 to 5. Boy are they wrong! 
13. Be A Team Player
14. Have Fun 
* It was his idea that we go through the car wash with me on top of the car for a video!!
15. Challenge Students Intellectually 

From Holly:
16. True Friendships Are Better Than Anything On This Planet
*I've never laughed so much in my life!
17. Shut Up and Listen To People, because Many times they are trying to pour out their lives to you.
18. Marble Slab Is Good!!!

From Elizabeth:
19. Just because it's not your ministry, doesn't mean it's not important
* I showed up to VBS Drama Practice without knowing my lines, she gave me the look and told me I better memorize them if I wanted to be on stage.  From that day forward, I don't step on any stage un-prepared no matter what it is!  It's my first priority as a speaker!

From Jessica:
20. Learn To Laugh & Don't Take Yourself So Seriously!

Trust Me, That's on a small portion of the list. What a great learning experience!

Thank you guys, and sorry I was a punk!!

Next blog: The things I'm learning today 7 years later!