
Don't Eat Me...

So here's the deal... I've done a lot of looking in the mirror lately and I'm not the man I want to be... I'm not talking mentally or spiritually although those two things need work. But, I am talking physically. 

It all started with this sudden epiphany from God as I climbed to the top of the A & M stadium... ok well maybe it wasn't an epiphany but my own body telling me that I was way out of shape and have been for the past 3 years.

I realized after watching the latest Chase bank commercial and catching their new slogan "Chase Importance" that it hit me.. Even though that's the same message the church has been screaming for hundreds of years and even though  I've stood on stages time and time again proclaiming those exact things... I realized that I've let the unimportant things take over the important things in my life.  One of those is my health.

So here's where I need your help.  I need to lose 25 pounds or so. Right now I'm 205 lbs and for all you math majors out there, you've already discovered my target weight is 180.

Every week, I will be posting a picture of the scale.  I need you to hold me accountable.

My plan: 
1. Increased physical activity (2 miles a night, gym, and vball one or two nights a week)
2. Less caloric intake.  (no more ultimate cheeseburgers and double quarter pounders)
3. An increased amount of protein as well as water ( I hate water)

 Thus burning more calories than consumed causing my body to burn more fat at an accelerated rate, thus causing weight loss.

I need to burn 3500 additional calories a week for every one pound of fat that I want to lose.  That's 70,000 extra calories that I have to burn over the next several months, not including my standard caloric requirements at 205.

So, when you see me, ask me how I'm doing.  According to my site meter on the blog I get an approximate two hundred hits per week.  I will need all of your help.

Concerned Sluggard


Steve Bezner said...

Fiber One is your friend.

DallasNative said...

OK J.. here's a REAL challenge: I need to lose 20 pounds also. I'm 210 and need to get to 190 (180 would be even better!)
So I challege you to a weight-off. Let's see who can lose 20 pounds first. Email me when you've read this that you accept the challenge and what day you want to start the challenge. And remember: the fat isn't in your head...it's around your middle! ;-)

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Have Fun