
Don't Miss Today Because You Are Worried About Tomorrow.

The Washington Post placed Joshua Bell, the world’s best violin player, in a Washington DC Metro stop to work his magic. Would people stop and listen to the world’s best violin player who’s playing one of the world’s best violins (his violin was made in 1730 and cost $3.5 million)

1,097 people walked past him and only a handful stopped to listen. They were completely ignoring a once in a lifetime opportunity to hear this guy.

Today was a good day for us, not just a good day, but an unexpected day where God really did some big things. Sometimes I think we miss these days too often because we are too worried about tomorrow. Let's stop, take a look around and see today as it's suppose to be.

1 comment:

Steve Bezner said...

Wow. Great video and story. And so true.