
"Nothing New Under The Sun"

As I watch " The New Knight Rider" I can't help but think how bad it is.  After 58 minutes of the show, I've realized that they've done a horrible job trying to recreate the original.
 This episode is an exact rip off of Gone in 60 seconds & Fast and The Furious all rolled into one big TV mess.

Why do companies try to do this?  Why can't people be creative, think of new thoughts, come up with new ideas?  I often hear the quote "there is nothing new under the sun".   Sometimes I feel like that's a great cop-out for people not to use their brains or be creative. That's also a misuse of the scripture in it's original context.

 I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't think you've got to recreate the wheel, and many times we should follow the lead if the leader is worth following.

 If you can't use an old idea and make it better, or you decrease it's value or reputation with your use of it, please stop.

When I see " The New Knight Rider" It reminds me of how we Christians have been ripping off  secular ideas for years and claiming them as our own.  Many times in completely embarrassing ways.

Abreadcrum and fish  (Abercrombie and Fitch)
Got Jesus?    (Milk Commercial)
Dance Praise Dance Pad  (Dance Dance Revolution)
Scripture Solitaire             (Solitaire)
Guitar Praise Hero/Christian Rock Band   (Guitar Hero)
Scripture Mints
Hisway- the right way  (Burger King)
Hisway-   this can also be used as the subway logo.
Jesus Christ- The Only Superhero  (superman logo with JC in the middle)
My Victory Lane Is In Heaven  (Nascar)
Jesus Inside  (Intel)
Jesus, Have you spoke to him lately  (Ford)
All Faith  (All State Insurance)
Teenage Jesus Worshiping Christians (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Faith Book  (Facebook)

I could go on for days, but will spare your time.

One day, it would be nice if we were the ones leading the industries and companies were copying us. Right now, it's completely the opposite.  It's no wonder why people make fun of us.  

Our God is creative, and we are made in his image, maybe it's time we start acting like it.

I'm just sayin'

P.S. 1. My prediction is that Knight Rider doesn't make it past the first year.
        2. Ford must be paying big money to make this show happen.

1 comment:

Steve Bezner said...

Dude, I agree. And it drives me insane.