
6 Hard Questions

Here are the 6 questions that we are asking ourselves in the worship department. Perhaps you should ask them in your life and in your context.

1. Do you still love your job?

2. Do you consistently seek after him before you step on the stage/step into your office?

3. Are you just going through the motions?

4. Do your people see you as their leader? (spiritually as well)

5. Would you still be at this church, and do what you do if you didn't get a paycheck?

6. Is your spiritual life evident to the people you are leading?


Don J said...

Good Questions, J. Definitely relate to everybody's "job", but more interesting in context of church.

Austin Roberson said...

Worship is not a Sunday thing. It is an every day affair. Worship is living out our lives in Holiness before a Holy God and before sinners so that they can see the light and come to repentance. Great Questions!